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Hello Friends and Family!!


I hope you are all doing well. I have some big news to share with you in regard to my World Race Journey that is coming up very soon!! I am switching routes and now I will be traveling to Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, Eswatini (Swaziland) and South Africa. I will be racing with the development route, also known as L squad. Even though my route is changing, I will still be leaving and returning on the same dates. (August 27, 2022 -May 27, 2023) There are a few different reasons for the switch that I would love to tell you more about if you would like to reach out to me individually, but for now, I just wanted to give you an overview of each country and how my squad and I will be serving the local people there.



Nicaragua is the poorest nation in Central America, one in four Nicaraguans are either starving or suffering from malnutrition. There are four different established ministry organizations we may partner with to serve the local Nicaraguans. One of the ministries focuses on relationship and discipleship, involving jail and hospital visits as well as serving and connecting with people in the local neighborhoods. Another ministry serves the children in Ometepe by providing good education to help them build a better future for themselves. There is also a bilingual school that helps children learn in different languages to provide better opportunities for them in the future. The fourth ministry provides tutoring and teaches kids computer skills as well as basic education. The main focus and ministry in Nicaragua is to take care of the local Nicaraguans and remind them that they are loved, through ways of education for the children to give them hope for a more sustainable future for themselves and their families.


Dominican Republic:

The Dominican people love music and dancing and survive off of tourism. Political corruption has oppressed the people of the DR and the gap between the wealthy and the poor becomes greater every day. The ministry we will be doing to serve the people in the DR is focused on wholistic transformation in the specific areas of; medical, education, church advancement, and nutrition. There are 20 communities around the area we will be in where we will meet the needs of the people there by serving them in whatever area of holistic health, they are suffering in. Through this, our goal is to remind the people in the DR of the tangible reality of the love of God and the way He takes care of His children.



Eswatini is a small mountainside country in South Africa, the people here suffer from the highest HIV and AIDS rate in the world and almost 40% of Eswatini children are orphaned. Adventures Eswatini is one of the World Race’s longest-standing and largest international bases. We will work alongside local Swazis as well as missionaries in the country to serve at care points around the area. The care points focus on children’s ministry, discipleship, feeding programs, evangelism, and home visits as well as taking care of 8,000 plus local orphaned children. Our work here is to feed and clothe the widowed and orphaned, to be the hands and feet of Jesus in their lives, and to tell them of His love for them.


South Africa:

My team and I will be in Jeffrey’s Bay South Africa. There are four different established mission organizations we may be serving with in this area. One of the ministries focuses on house-to-house evangelism, bible studies, school programs, and baby rescue programs. Another ministry is involved in serving the children of South Africa and raising them up in discipleship to reach their God-given potential. Another minister is involved in teaching English at local schools to open future opportunities up for the children. The fourth ministry we may be involved in is passionate about serving those in poverty and the marginalized by working in feeding programs, evangelism, and hospital visits. Our goal in South Africa is to teach and disciple people and provide opportunities for them to go out and continue impacting the world with God’s love.


Although I am not going to the places I was originally going to, there are still about 40 individuals traveling to those places and spreading the love of Jesus there. We all have the same goal and heart posture; to love God and love others and to go and make disciples of all nations. I am excited about this new route and the places we are going to, the people we are serving, and what God is going to do. I would appreciate continued prayers over L squad and K squad (the squad I left), that the Lord would equip us and lead us to those of His children that are suffering the most and need to experience the radical love of God! Thank you so much for all your prayers and love and support, I love you all!!




One response to “Update: Route Switch”

  1. Wow – Each of these countries seems to bode well for what you are up to. Some seem to be more ready to further their relationship with Jesus than others. I’ll bet each one will offer unique challenges to which you will rise beautifully!!! Thank you for sending Reagan – we love and support your efforts. Mom and Bryan